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The Origins of Bariþrone

Barithrone is the southernmost territory in Naánda. It is an island located a few kilometers away from the Great Continent and it is where Arbaſa planted the seed of humanity. This is the place the first humans were created, where they first roamed and lived. Humans fructified and multiplied over the Bariþronite island. They were all a single nation and it was intended to stay this way by their creator. Arbaſa taught humankind the skills of agriculture, animal taming and timekeeping. Soon enough, they were starting to form a strong and united civilization.

Before speech existed in Naánda, people communicated with bodily or facial gestures and simple vocal sounds, this was the only communication method humans had, and they continued to use it for centuries. The time finally arrived, and in the year 175, humanity received from Arbaſa one of the greatest tools to facilitate contact with Him and the brethren: the fluent usage of spoken language. It was placed over the people as if they had learned it since childhood.

It was an important day for civilization as a whole and thus, they celebrated by giving a name to their first settlement, Ust-Pernmetan, and their nation, Bariþhanabak (Barithronia). This occasion also marked the beginning of the Barithronite homeland and the birth of its society.

The language that was given to them by Arbaſa was the same language he spoke himself, as in the beginning, men was in an intimate relationship with Him. The Ancient Bariþronian language is therefore, the first language spoken in all Naánda. Unfortunately, most of the ancient people still could not practice the usage of spoken language, they tried, and they only could only babble at best.

In the early bariþronian society, people who were not capable of talking were marginalized and ignored. At the time, up to 90% of the inhabitants in Bariþronia did not have such ability.

This was not what Arbaſa intended to happen. He expected those who can talk to teach those who could not, to homogenize the society even more. Unfortunately, the Bariþronians took it as an advantage and discriminated those who babbled. At the end, it had the adverse effect to what Arbaſa wanted.

The people who could not speak Arbaſa's language were exiled to a desolated location far away from Ust-Pernmetan, and others left the city by their own will.

Although there were people who did help others learn the ancient bariþronian vocabulary, they became prosecuted by the great majority of people just by following Arbaſa's original plan. For the society, if you could not use His gift naturally, you were not worthy of becoming part of them nor communicating with their Father.

The abuse of the language reached the point of even killing those who desperately tried to speak it without any guidance on how to do so.

Arbaſa became upset with this, he could not believe what the bariþronians were doing. He became so furious and he ultimately striped the language out of the people who abused it. Only the few who carried out His plans were still able to talk to Him in His language, but to prevent the language from being abused, He made the language unteachable.

Those who kept the gift could only give their speech a meaning through their minds, but their ears could not comprehend what they were saying.

The Bariþronians (At this point were the few who could speak Ancient Bariþronian) ended up muttering to attempt to retrieve the language of their Father, yet, they could not reacquire it.

Time passed by, and they resigned to recover their lost language, that is when they encountered the trouble of creating a language from zero. The whole process of creating their own tongue took centuries, and the result was the Archaic Bariþronian language.

The Bariþronian society blamed everybody but themselves of their demise instead of admitting their faults, this furthermore increased the dissensions and hostilities between them and the expelled community.

Although Bariþrone is the original birthplace of humanity, masses of people eventually started migrating north, to the Great Continent, because of the cruel treatment they were receiving. The exiled were not willing to share the same land with their oppressors.

At this point, Bariþrone and the Great Continent were enemies, and they did not exchange a single word in centuries, this caused the Bariþronian culture to be very different to those that were emerging in the Great Continent.

The Bariþronian society was the most technologically advanced and blessed in all Naánda since they achieved great technological advancements earlier than their Great Continent counterparts. While the Great Continentals looked for land to settle and organized their own societies, the Bariþronians placed themselves on a spree to achieve greatly in all fields of knowledge, however they still had no spoken language.

Soon, the Barithronians gathered into a meeting and started to brainstorm ideas on how they could possibly undertake the task of developing their own language. Soon after, they concluded that they needed to appoint a leader to assume such responsibility of not only creating a new language, but also to lead the Barithronian homeland further into growth. This is the origin of the Barithronian Federatacy, the first organized governmental system in Naánda, and the elections of 214 made Aþſirbek Izbekjememtep the first federat to rule Barithronia. The Bariþronian Federatal system consisted mainly of single person elected by the population to rule over the nation until their resignation or death.

Aþſirbek Izbekjememtep ruled Bariþronia from the year 214 until 265 and his greatest deeds were to develop the Archaic Barithronite language and create the foundations of the modern Bariþronite society. His government was characterized by boast-fueled progress. The true reason of their accelerated growth was not to improve the welfare of humanity, but to be always ahead of the Great Continent in every aspect.

Meanwhile, the Great Continentals ignored everything the Bariþronians had accomplished, and they took their own approach: A nation mastered a certain skillset and helped themselves and other nations.

During Aþſirbek's rule, the Great Continentals started to neglect Bariþronia's existence as they focused deeply into their national and intracontinental issues. Yet, Arbaſa never forgot them, and He still blessed and took care of them just as He did with the Great Continentals.

A sketch of the first Map of Bariþronia by A. Federsdel (1274)

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